Friday May 10, 2024

Pharisees Scribes and Sadducees

There is a lot spoken of about the Pharisees and the Scribes and Sadducees. It is important for adults and children to understand the difference between these three groups and about their teachings of obeying rules or the Law of Moses. Jesus says loving the LORD God is the more important than the Law of Moses.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:20 we need to exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees or we shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. So, who are the Scribes and Pharisees?

Scribes are men who are learned and studies the Law of Moses; this is called the Mosaic Law. They also study sacred writings and they interpreter these writings and they teach according to what their finding are. They tell the people what the meaning should be of the Law of Moses and they explain the questions of the Law regarding religious matters. These Scribes were employed in the Sanhedrim and believed themselves to be very important.

The Scribes were a part of the Pharisee group. They copied the law by hand, and they were regarded as important because of their interpretation of the law and they had control over people’s spiritual lives. They wore long flowing beautiful robes that had either a broad border or fringes that showed how very important they were. They had to sit in the best places in the synagogues, or churches, and at the head of the tables to show how important they were. They prayed long wordy prayers out in the public just for show. They were called “Rabbi” or teacher, to again show their importance.   

The Sanhedrim was the Jewish ruling council. This was the supreme religious body in the land during the time of Jesus. There were a group of 71 men who were composed of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Most of these men were proud and self-serving and very powerful. They were the final authority on the Jewish law and they judged any kind of religious law breakers. Not all of them because later on we will learn about Nicodemus who was a wise man on the Sanhedrim council.

The Sadducees were Jewish religious leaders who were from the wealthy families. This group did not believe that people would be resurrected, or raised from the dead. They also did not believe that angels existed. They were a smaller elite group but they were more influential than the Pharisees. They followed the laws of the Hebrew Bible, which is called the Torah. They rejected traditions that were started by men. Sadducees were priests and usually opposed the Pharisees. They also were with the ruling council of the Sanhedrim. They also opposed the teachings of Jesus and rejected the teachings of the Pharisees. An easy way to remember what a Sadducee is they not believe in the resurrection or in angels could make them “sad, you see” (Sadducee).

 Matthew 16: 1-12 teaches us that the Pharisees and the Sadducees often tempted Jesus to show them signs or proof from heaven. Jesus warns us to beware of the teachings of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Jesus said they had no faith and no real understanding of the Word of God.

Jesus gave an enormous warning to the Scribes and Pharisees. Jesus called them hypocrites, which is one who pretends to know all the answers they are like stage players. Jesus says they shut up the kingdom of heaven against men. They do not allow themselves to enter the Kingdom of heaven nor do they allow others to enter in. The do mean things like take the homes of the widows, pretend to be righteous by saying long prayers that do not say anything. Matthew 23:13-14

The Scribes and Pharisees go about everywhere trying to make everyone follow the specific Laws of Moses and they can make themselves righteous. They are like blind guides who say or swear by the temple (or church) or the gold of the temple (or church). Jesus says they are fools and blind for what is greater the gold or the goodness that is in the giving?     Matthew 23:15-22.

The Scribes and Pharisees they do the easier things and omit the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: those things they should have done. They make clean the outside of a cup and of the plate but the inside is full of robbery and being out of control. They look right and perfect on the outside but on the inside, they are unclean, mean and bad.  Matthew 23:245-29.

Have you ever gone to school or work and tried to share an experience with your friends? Something that is very important to you about your family, and your friends were listening and really getting excited about what you were sharing. Then a teacher, or the principal of the school, or even you boss, or supervisor, comes by and starts laughing at you and tries to prove you wrong about what you are saying.  

That is what happened to Jesus. Jesus was to tell his friends about His Father, the LORD God, and what heaven was like. Some people listened and grew and obeyed His teachings. The Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees laughed at him and tried to prove Him wrong.

It is important for you to understand that the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees were like the teachers principal, boss or supervior. They were the ones in charge of moral thinking of the time. The Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees were saying that the teaching of Jesus was wrong and they tried to stop Him from telling us what we need to do to walk in His will and in His ways. They wanted Jesus to follow the letter of the Law. Follow the rules they said was important they wanted Jesus to put the Law first and their teaching second.

You and I have to be careful today because there are still people who are trying to keep us from hearing the Word of God and to follow other people or other ideas and to make other things first in your life. Jesus said the most important thing in your life is love. The first commandment is to love the LORD God, and the second is to love others. If you love the LORD God first and love others, you will always do the right thing, because you are considering what the LORD God wants you to do, Jesus never gave up trying to teach the right way to live and to love His Father. Even Jesus, our Lord and Savior put the LORD God first in His life.  

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MLA Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne. “Pharisees Scribes and Sadducees” Becker Bible Studies Library April 2022. =5251. Retrieved [dateMLA].

APA Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne. (2022). “Pharisees Scribes and Sadducees.” Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from =5251. Retrieved: [dateAPA].

Chicago Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne. (2022) “Pharisees Scribes and Sadducees.” Becker Bible Studies Library (April), =5251 (accessed [dateChi]).


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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