Friday Mar 28, 2025

A Journey Through the Diagnoses of Breast Cancer

It can be devastating to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Understand the journey of a woman newly diagnosed with cancer to the day she walks out of the hospital and back home can help better assist these women through their journey. All women are different and their needs will depend on their individuality.  One thing to remember is you are not alone in your journey. Know Jesus has His arms wrapped around you.

The Loneliness of Being an Outcast

The Samaritan woman at the well gives us a hint as how to handle loneliness and being an outcast in this world today. The Samarian woman brought her village to Christ in spite of being an outcast, being lonely and in spite of being shunned. We as women of Christ must dig deep and know we know Christ and His Will for us. Look around you Jesus Christ is an outcast of this world as a follower of Him why…
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