Saturday Apr 27, 2024

Harlotry of Today

The harlotry of today is any kind of sexual deviancy of either men or women. It is shocking to learn there is as many as 1 out of 4 children (possibly 3 out of 5 girls) are sexually abused by someone they love or should be able to trust. Boys are at risk today more than ever before. Many survivors of sexual abuse have never talked to anyone about this. When this happens it affects the issue of trust in…

Spirit of Divination

Sometimes we forget that the Bible is a living book that still holds the same cautions for our live as it did for the children of Israel. It is a reminder to us that someone who puts themselves in worldly positions it is a possibility to be exposed with one of the spirits of divination. These spirits of divination are an abomination to the LORD God and we are instructed to not follow after them and to avoid them.
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