Joanne B. Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies teacher and author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She has received her Master of Science degree in Psychology/Christian Counseling with honors from Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on the history of development of the Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a Bible believing Presbyterian denomination. They are committed to the Westminster Standards. They are a family of the American churches, reformed and Presbyterian.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church developed out of the great revival of 1800. They stress evangelism, reject predestination and avoid centralized authority in the church government. They revised the Confession of Faith and included interpretations of predestination that they found acceptable.
The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has its roots in the Reformation. Two of its major leaders were John Calvin and John Knox. The church was part of the Scottish Immigrants who first came to America in search of religious freedom that brought their faith here to America.
Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS) is also known as the “Southern Presbyterian Church.” A mainline Presbyterian denomination and is a reformed denomination.