Thursday May 16, 2024

The Role of Husbands

What it means to be a good righteous husband in today’s world has gotten lost in the chaos and corruption of this world. The dictates of society have managed to mask, twist and has forgotten the will of the LORD God. It has confused the simple fact that husbands and wives are one flesh. Husbands are to be loving, considerate and caring for the wives and wives are to be loving, considerate and caring toward the husbands. It isn’t supposed to be a battle to award a medal to whoever is the stronger sex, or who can manipulate better using the harshest methods. A good righteous marriage isn’t measured by how macho a husband is, or how abusive and controlling he is toward his wife. Nor is a good righteous marriage a measure of how superior a wife is by how abusive and controlling she can be toward her husband. A good righteous marriage is a measure of how far a husband and wife can strive together to reach a higher realm in the kingdom of God. The head of the husband is Christ, the head of the wife is the husband. Husbands are not beaten down so Jesus Christ can step on them. Husbands should not beat down their wives so they can step on them. There should be an equal striving forward between both husband and wife to obtain the goal they have established for themselves. The endeavor for oneness should be the number one goal for a righteous newlywed couple, always making Christ the center of their lives together.

Young men should be careful how they choose their mates. The measuring stick should be how faithful they are to Jesus and the LORD God. Women who are not of Jesus and the LORD God should be avoided like the plague. Right away, you do not have similar life experience in common and can never be happy. One will have to give up the God they serve. Either the God of life, or the LORD God of the universe. This factor alone will create a break in the bond a young husband and wife should be striving to achieve, that of service to the LORD God. The chasm formed by not sharing the same Christ head is usually too deep to be crossed, and the inevitable break up will occur. Look beyond the beauty of the outside of the prospective mate and seek the inner beauty of the soul. Finding the helper who will best complement the requirements of life, meet the needs of the chosen profession, and share in the final goals of a life they choose together. Young men are an unfinished project and need a kindly woman to complete that unfinished rough project started by a Godly mother. A young man should not choose a woman who is not on the same spiritual plain as he is. One of them has to bend down to a lower spiritual plain to survive. A little reaching is good and helps the mate to grow, too much reaching has the potential to break the branches.

It will take communication, patience, endurance, kindness, lots of love, a good humor and lots of tolerance to make a marriage work between two people. The need to grow together and overcome many hardships that life throws at them. They need the communal thread of Christ to bind and tie them together into the oneness they must seek after. Both husband and wife must understand that life together is not always going to be trouble-free. It is those times of strife when the husband and wife’s relationship can fuse together and that bond become forever merged. Finding the common ground to solve the many problems, searching for the best solution, both giving the essence of themselves to resolve any adverse factions is the key to a solid righteous marriage. How powerful, rewarding, and advantageous it is when a husband and wife can stand fast in the convictions and the love with Christ as the center of their existence. The goal of every husband and wife should be to provide further growth for each other in a loving, giving, and Christ like environment.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24).  This is what the LORD God intended for His people. Because of the fall from grace by Adam and Eve the role of the husband was to eat of the ground all the days of their lives. To work the ground until they return to the ground, where they were taken. To avoid fornication, it was advised that every man should have his own wife, and every woman have her own husband. The husband is to render good will and kindness to his wife. The wife is also to render good will and kindness to her husband. Husbands has authority over the body of the wife, likewise the wife has authority over the body of the husband. The husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. Husbands should love their wives just like Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for the church. Men should love their wives as they love their own bodies. The husbands who love their wife loves himself. Husbands need to love their wives, nourish and cherish them. When the wife sees the reverence, her husband has for her she will strive ever harder to please him and make his life more pleasurable. Husbands and wives are joined and become one flesh. They complement each other, fulfill each other and complete each other.

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Holstein, Joanne. “The Role of Husbands. ” Becker Bible Studies Library March 2022. Retrieved [dateMLA].

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Holstein, Joanne. (2022). “The Role of Husbands. ”Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from Retrieved: [dateAPA].

Chicago Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne. (2022) “The Role of Husbands .” Becker Bible Studies Library (June),, (accessed [dateChi]).

About the Author

Joanne B. Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies teacher and author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She has received her Master of Science degree in Psychology/Christian Counseling with honors from Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on the history of development of the Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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