Jesus teaches us not to worry

This lesson helps us all to understand not to worry. Jesus is in control of everything. We are not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself. We are living in a time where there is so much worry and unhappiness. Parents are worried about so many things. It is important to remember that the LORD God is always faithful to those who are seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Matthew 6:25-34
Jesus told His disciples not to worry about their life, what they should eat, or what they should drink, what they should wear. Because life is more than what you eat and drink and the things you wear. If you look at the birds flying in the air they do not plant gardens to get food, nor do they pick corn or gather the seeds they eat. It is our loving Heavenly Father who feeds them.
Jesus reminds His disciples that the Father God loves His people so much more than the birds in the air. That means He will provide for your needs. You are not going to gain one thing or one day by worrying. Have faith in the LORD God.
Why would you worry about what clothes you are wearing? The next time you are outside look at the beautiful flowers that grow wild in the fields or the beautiful feathers on the birds in your yard. They do not buy their clothing yet they are dressed as splendidly as a king.
Why would you worry about what clothes you are wearing? The next time you are outside look at the beautiful flowers that grow wild in the fields or the beautiful feathers on the birds in your yard. They do not buy their clothing yet they are dressed as splendidly as a king.
The LORD God has given us a promise found in Matthew 6:33; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
We are living in a time where there is so much worry and unhappiness. Parents are worried about so many things. It is important to remember that the LORD God is always faithful to those who are seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Why would you worry about what clothes you are wearing? Look at the beauty all around you. Find the loving way our Heavenly Fathers cares for His own.
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MLA Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne “Jesus teaches us not to worry:.” Becker Bible Studies Library Dec 2014.< ,>.
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Holstein, Joanne (2014, December) “Jesus teaches us not to worry:.” Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from ,.
Chicago Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2014) “Jesus teaches us not to worry:.” Becker Bible Studies Library (December),, (accessed).