Tuesday Dec 03, 2024

Jonah Saves Nineveh

Nineveh repented and turned to the LORD God. This did not make Jonah happy. Jonah pouted and was angry because he had told Nineveh they had to repent or be destroyed. Jonah thought it would be better for hi to die than to live. The compassion and very merciful LORD reached out to Jonah and showed him the error of his thinking. This should give us hope and reassurance that the LORD will show us the same mercy and compassion…

Jonah and the Whale and The Prayer and Deliverance of Jonah

Jonah was in big trouble for disobeying the LORD and running away. No one can run away from the LORD when they had been called to do something for Him. Jonah learned this the hard way. The LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah prayed a prayer of deliverance and the LORD heard him. Just like the LORD heard the pleas of…

Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church is an evangelical, Protestant denomination. They offer the good news that faith in Jesus Christ makes possible a wonderful personal relationship with God, a holy life empowered by His Holy Spirit for witness and service, and assurance of eternal life in heaven. Our ministries emphasize practical Bible teaching, uplifting worship, and special programs to meet a variety of life needs.
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