Tuesday May 14, 2024

Hasmonean Dynasty

The family Hasmonean also called Maccabees raised a revolt that proved successful severe struggle. Mattathias and his sons gathered a guerilla army fighting a war against the Syrians as well as attacking Jews who had abandoned the observance of practices in the Torah. Antiochus IV revoked the bans against Torah observance.

The difference of Legalism and Righteousness

Legalism is a term we hear in our society today in regards to Christians. When we compare the story of the crippled woman with todayís society there is very little difference. Jesus saw a crippled woman bent over in pain. He recognized her as being a child of the LORD God and a daughter of Abraham. He did not see a person lacking if holiness because she was a woman, or because her body wasnít perfect according to the eyes…

He is Risen Praise Be To God – Easter

Easter is the day we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for our sins and was crucified and buried because He loved His Father which is in heaven. Because of this love we are now justified by His blood and are saved from the wrath through Him. We have now received atonement because of Jesus. Now Jesus is sitting on the right hand of the LORD God and makes intercession for us. PRAISE BE TO GOD:…

What Happened on Holy Friday/ Good Friday?

Holy Friday is often referred to as Good Friday and it is when the chief priests and elders of the people put Jesus on trial, takes Jesus before the governor Pontius Pilate, Judas hanged himself, the crucifixion and suffering of Jesus, the death and burial of Jesus. It is a sad day for the friends and family of Jesus. It is also a good day for us because it is because of this sacrifice of Jesus what we gain our…
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