Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Independent Charismatic Church

The Independent Charismatic Church is a charismatic movement that is international and transdenominational. It is a fellowship of Christians who believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifested in this time.

The Independent Charismatic Church is approved by many denominations, but is different in its organization and their insistence in speaking in tongues. They believe it is essential for the speaking in tongues as an authentic Christian experience. The Independent Charismatic Church has been called a church that offers hope to the poorest of the poor.

The term Charismatic is derived from the Greek word for Grace and refers to the gifts of the spirit and is considered as the new Pentecost. The Charismatic church has an independent, non-denominational style which emphasizes spiritual exploration rather than established tradition.

The Independent Charismatic Church has adopted certain Pentecostal beliefs such as the speaking in tongues and prophesying with their guidelines to follow within mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches, which came out of the Azusa Street Revival. The term Charismatic contains a number of things used to describe Christians who believe that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are experienced and practiced today. They believe the gifts such as healings, miracles, and speaking in tongues, called “glossolalia”, and are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.


The Independent Charismatic Church gained considerable growth and membership around 1960 (the specific date of origin is unknown). Dennis Bennett is credited with being the founder of the Charismatic movement. He was an American Episcopalian who was the Rector at St Mark’s Episcopal Church in Van Nuys California. Dennis Bennett believed he had received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 1960. He ran many workshops and gave seminars about the work of the Holy Spirit which started a renewal movement within the Episcopal, Lutheran, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Many Charismatic churches have developed within different denominations. Formal Charismatic churches include the House Church movement in the United Kingdom and the Vineyard movement in the US, the Hillsong Church in Australia and in New Zealand, the New Life Churches.

The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit and the Latter Rain Pentecostal Movement became a notable part of the theology as well as the emphases of the Charismatic movement of the 1980. The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit has been characterized by Charles Peter Wagner, a minister and founder of the Global Harvest Ministries. The Latter Rain Movement was a post-World War II movement within the Pentecostal Churches. It was used as an evangelical awakening which was started by Billy Graham and the Healing Revivals with Oral Roberts. This movement was officially declared heresy by the Assemblies of God Churches and is still controversial today.

The Independent Charismatic Church movement has been influenced by the Latter Rain Movement since 1975. There is a desire of charismatic Christians to join into fellowship with those within the Christian church who have experienced this Religious ecstasy. The result is the Independent Charismatic Church has contact with the mainstream Pentecostalism movement as well as the Latter Rain Movement, and a uniting of experiences and theology can be found in modern day Charismatics.

There are many Christian denominations who disagree with certain aspects of the Charismatic movement. Many of the Christian denominations compare the movement with a 2nd century religious movement that started in Asia Minor and was based on the teachings of the Charismatic prophet Montanus. His teachings and followers were called Montanism. Montanism was condemned by the Church as heresy. Montanism also stressed ecstatic experiences. The Southern Baptists believe that the spiritual gifts the Charismatics experience are no longer available to the church and they believe those who experience this type of experience are demonic in nature.

Some of the leaders of the Christians who are viewed as Charismatic are Charles Peter Wagner, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, Bob Tilton, Earl Paulk, John Wimber, and Bill Hammon to name just a few. This contemporary restoration movement falls under the New Charismatic movement. This movement is promoting the moving of God in a new supernatural way that is done through signs and wonders; they teach the church must be restored to the first century apostolic Christianity before the return of Jesus.


The Independent Charismatic Church believes their focus should always be centered on the shared experiences, not on theology. They believe they surpass all denominations. The common most shared experience is the speaking in tongues. The Independent Charismatic Church believes their foundation for their theological status can be found in the entire book of Acts. They believe it was the day of Pentecost the first tongues were first spoken. (Acts 2:1-8).

The Independent Charismatic Church believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a second work of grace that brings power in the life of the believer. They believe the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the speaking in tongues. They believe if a person has not experienced the speaking in tongues, then they have not been baptized by the Holy Spirit and there is an important ingredient missing from their spiritual life.

The Independent Charismatic Church also believe the believer is filled with the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. They believe baptism with the Holy Spirit is the gift of the Holy Spirit which is freely poured out, falls upon, and comes on, it anoints, endues, the believer with the power from God. They believe the Spirit baptism occurs at the time of conversion through repentance and forgiveness. It is not however believed to be identified with conversion. They believe through Spirit baptism the exalted Jesus Christ carries His ministry forward in the church to the world.

The Independent Charismatic Church believe Jesus had the Holy Spirit and it can be seen in His life beginning with His conception by the Holy Spirit. Later the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. They believe Jesus is both of the Spirit as a Savior and anointed with the Spirit as He began His ministry. They therefore believe man needs both a birth of the Spirit for their salvation and an anointing of the Spirit for doing ministries in His name.

The Independent Charismatic Church believes speaking in tongues or glossolalia is generally understood to be communication with God in language that is different than the one the speaker is known to speak in. They believe it is the Holy Spirit that gives the miraculous utterance only using the vocal cords of a person. They believe the Scripture told of the disciples speaking in other tongues and each one heard them speaking in his own language. They further believe the utterances of the Holy Spirit can only be interpreted by the Holy Spirit.

The Independent Charismatic Church believes in a wide range of spiritual gifts. They believe all the spiritual gifts mentioned in the Scripture should be utilized in the Christian community. They believe it is time for a renewal of the gifts in this time. They believe the manifestation of the Spirit has a unique importance to the action of the Holy Spirit. They believe the spiritual gifts are power tools for the communities. They believe each person in the community should experience the manifestation of the Spirit in their lives.

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MLA Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne “Independent Charismatic Church:.” Becker Bible Studies Library Jan 2006.<,>.

APA Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2006, January) “Independent Charismatic Church:.” Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from,.

Chicago Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2006) “Independent Charismatic Church:.” Becker Bible Studies Library (January),, (accessed).


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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