Saturday May 04, 2024

Bible Church of Christ, Inc.


The mission of the Bible Church of Christ, Inc. is to bring the United States and the International community awareness to experience the holy peace and the healing words of Lord Jesus and to save souls all over the world through prayer. The Bible Church of Christ helps to establish orphanages and feeding stations for the poor in countries like the Philippine Islands, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Haiti and Africa.

The headquarters for the Bible Church of Christ is located in the Bronx, New York. The Holy Spirit has changed many souls associated with their church, by healing and casting out demons that contributed to asthma, bursitis, and witchcraft, according to their belief.

The Bible Church of Christ is the vision of Bishop Roy Bryant, Sr. D.D. It is the dedication and strength of Bishop Bryant, Sr. that the ministry has developed and keeps on growing. He has cast out demons since the very beginning of his ministry.


The Bible Church of Christ was founded in 1961 by Bishop Roy Bryant Sr., D.D. It was in 1956 when Roy Bryant, Sr. had a miraculous healing at the age of 33 by the preacher of his local church. Roy Bryant, Sr. was profoundly dedicated to follow the path set forth that day by the command of God. Roy Bryant, Sr. received a Holy Baptism and his vision and faith was so strong he immediately started preaching. Within three years he had gathered his congregation; meeting regularly in homes of those of the congregation willing to dedicate their time and faith.

Elder Roy Bryant, Sr. founded the Bible Church of Christ in 1961 with the help and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Their first members were his wife Sissieretta and their five children. Elder Roy Bryant, Sr. had a vision given to him by God commanding him to create a healing church of deliverance.

Elder Roy Bryant, Sr. was ordained as a Bishop in 1966. The Bible Church of Christ had grown so large a church building had to be found. The original church building was established on Morris Ave. in the Bronx, New York.

The Bible Church of Christ met with tragedy when a fire consumed the new church building in 1969. The dedicated members of the Bible Church of Christ, under the leadership of Bishop Roy Bryant Sr., D.D. rebuilt the church.

Bishop Roy Bryant Sr. recalls when the first fights against demon began and he was called by the Lord to pray for a young girl he didn’t know, before he had been ordained as a minister. Later, Roy Bryant Sr. arrived to the home of the girl, where there were hundreds of people waiting for the miracle of the healing of the sick girl. Roy Bryant Sr. prayed and the demons that were in the young girl were cast out. The seven year old girl was healed. Roy Bryant Sr. praised God with such force he felt the anointing of God within his body. The people in the room also felt the stirring and moving of the Holy Spirit and praised the Lord. Roy Bryant Sr. says he found himself being raised about the clouds. God spoke to him as he was in the clouds telling him there was a path between the bushes and a man would be going through the path Roy was to follow him. Roy Bryant Sr. says he saw the man as he was coming closer to the earth and followed him. He found himself at a huge body of water where thousands of people were being baptized. Roy Bryant Sr. laid hand on them and they began to speak in tongues. Roy Bryant Sr. says it was he who was anointed by God to cast out demons through the power of prayer.


The Bible Church of Christ is founded on the word of the Holy Bible. The Bible Church of Christ is dedicated to helping the church grow and spread peace of the Lord and save souls throughout the world.

The Bible Church of Christ fights demonic activity with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the word of Jesus Christ, and the strength of prayer.

The Bible Church of Christ believe demons lodge themselves in sexual organs, eyes, tongues, hands, any other parts of the body or the minds. Non-believers become possessed; Believers do not become possessed if they are walking with Christ. When a believer backslides or turns away from Christ they can become possessed. They also caution Ministers and other churches to be careful to avoid the demons of pride.


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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