Thursday May 02, 2024

The Atrocity of Violence in Schools/ Bullying: It is Our Job to Protect Our Children

Today we are seeing more and more children being bullied in all levels of school. Bullies try to threaten, intimidate, and control people who are weaker than they are. This can be in the form of punching, hitting or even kicking. This can also be an emotional bullying which is the most common form. This can include belittling others, insulting others, ridiculing others and any form of name-calling.
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

(Matthew 7:12)

Bullying is annoying, undesirable, aggressive behavior among school aged children. It is the real or perceived threat where there is someone who has power over another. Bullying can include any action such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. There is the possibility that this action continues and is repeated over time. Bullying is not just an accident; it is when another person intentionally hurts another person on purpose over and over again. Bullying is just plain WRONG! This can be done by classmates, neighbors and even brothers or sisters.

Aggressive behavior can be related to home environment. They are expected to always win, be better than everyone else. Their parents may be aggressive so they may be trying to be like their parents. They may even be influenced by television. They may be trying to be just like their television hero. The sad fact is that there can be extreme harm done to our children if parents do not at least monitor their television and movie watching, their computer and video games. These all provide a hyper violence that is being reenacted by children. One cannot eliminate the daily doses of the sensationalizing of news stories reported on the nightly news and on the grocery store shelves. Peer pressure is another consideration. It is sometimes easier to go along with the aggressive behavior done by a bully than it is to stand up against the bully. So often peer pressure allows and often supports the actions of the bully.

The percentage of student victims of violent crimes who reported being afraid of attack or harm at school (22.7 percent) was higher than that of student nonvictims of any crime (3.9 percent). (NCVS, 2009).

It is sad when you think that bullying is a behavior that is often learned from those around us. This could be in the home or from television and movies. The person bullying often are reacting to their relationships with parents, friends, school or the stress of not being in control of anything in their life. Many people think a bully is secure and full of confidence. This is not the case.
Far too often the bully harasses, and overpowers others to give them the sense of superiority and control over something in their life. Many times bullies abuse because they are victims of abusive behavior in their own life. They display anger as a result of insecurities and a lack of control in their own life.

The problem is the children who are suffering bullying in the school system are suffering some devastated consequences in their lives. It not only affects the children being bullied but also any bystanders who witness this bullying. The whole environment of schools is being changed to an environment of fear and a reminder they are not safe either. It can destroy not only the victims desire to learn, sometime even to live and often keeps the any victims or potential victims away from and education.
About 33.9 percent of students who reported violent crime victimization reported having been in a physical fight at school, compared to 5.3 percent of students who were not victims of any crime.
About 53.2 percent of student victims of theft and 54.2 percent of student victims of violent crime said drugs were available at their school, compared to 29.9 percent of students who were not victims of any crime.(NCVS, 2009).

Parents should be aware of warning signs that their child is being bullied or even is bullying others. This is the first step when parents, teachers, friends or any family member can get involved in stopping bullying. Understand that there are many children who are being bullied and they do not ask for help it is our responsibility to look for changes in our children.
Look for signs such as:
Any unexplained injuries
Frequent headaches or illness to avoid going to school
Lost things like clothing, jewelry, books
Destroyed clothing
Any change in sleeping habits including nightmares
Eating habits change such as not eating lunch
Drastic change in grades
Lack of interesting in going to school
A change in self esteem
Avoidance of social circumstances
A change in or loss of friends
The signs of a child bullying others could be:
Hanging with those known to be bullying others
Gets into either physical or verbal fights
If they become more aggressive
Spending more time in detentions
Being sent to the principle for violence
Putting the blame on others for their problems
Never taking responsibility for their actions
(Whitted, 2005).

There are many studies that have shown the effects of school bullying includes that bullying increases loneliness, isolation of children from other children, lowered self-esteem, and many mental health problems such as anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts and even depression. This can be linked with workplace violence. (Hawker, 2000).

It is the responsibility of parents, family, teachers, and friends to help the children that are being bullied or even victimizing or bullying other children. Bullying is an atrocity that is serious and increasing in our schools. It is imperative that we spend quality time with our children at home. We need to listen to our children then talk with them about respecting others and even in standing up for not only themselves but also for the younger weaker children who cannot stand up for themselves. Parents need to find nonviolent ways to positively discipline their children. Parents should visit the school administration and find out if there is an anti-bullying policy in action in the school. If there is not a policy suggest they get one.
Many of the States and local lawmakers have taken action to prevent bullying and protect children against it. The problem comes from the fact there is no federal law that specifically applies to bullying.

There must be a zero tolerance policy in the schools against bullying. It is imperative that schools should have clear, strong, consistent, written policies against bullying. They should have effective security programs to help identify bullying and a supportive faculty, open communications with parents; teachers should have training on how to resolve conflicts among students. There must be an environment of safety for both students and teachers. There must be policies in place for when bullying occur. There should be a disciplinary program that is fair and a concise plan of action. The safety for students and staff must take priority.

Hawker, D.S.J. & Boulton, M.J. (2000). Twenty years’ research on peer victimization and psychosocial maladjustment: A meta-analytic review of cross-sectional studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41, 441-455.

NCVS; National Crime Victimization Survey. (2009).U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey. (2010. ) Policies & Laws. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Washington D.C.

Whitted, S. & Dupper, R. D. (2005). Best Practices for Preventing or reducing Bullying in Schools. Children & Schools (27) 3, 167-175.

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MLA Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne “The Atrocity of Violence in Schools/ Bullying: It is Our Job to Protect Our Children:.” Becker Bible Studies Library Jan 2015.<,>.

APA Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2015, January) “The Atrocity of Violence in Schools/ Bullying: It is Our Job to Protect Our Children:.” Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from,.

Chicago Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2015) “The Atrocity of Violence in Schools/ Bullying: It is Our Job to Protect Our Children:.” Becker Bible Studies Library (January),, (accessed).


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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