Saturday Apr 27, 2024

The Miracle of the Ax Head

Elisha the great prophet performs a miracle and the axe head floats to the surface and the man puts out his hand and picks it up. The sons of the prophets certainly can represent everyman. They are not satisfied with that they have been given and they want more. They do realize that the prophet of the LORD has to go with them. Just as we need to realize that Jesus must go with us in all that we do.…

The Healing of Naaman

The healing of Naaman is a story most people know from their Sunday school days. Naaman was the commander of the Syrian army, and Syria was a traditional enemy of Israel. A young Israelite girl, undoubtedly captured in a raid on Israel, was a slave in Naaman’s house. She told her mistress that there was a prophet in Samaria, Israel’s capital, who could cure Naaman of his leprosy.

Elisha Performs Miracles

The ministry of Elisha is based on a series of miracles. These miracles show the compassion of the LORD God toward His people. Elisha did not take the credit or glory for himself. Elisha gave the credit and glory to the LORD. This is what we also should do in our lives. Whenever we do something that we know what assisted by the LORD we need to give Him the glory and credit for helping us. Elisha also gives us…
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