Sunday Apr 28, 2024

King Solomon Rejects the LORD and his Death

King Solomon led the land of Israel to greatness. He was a man of wisdom given by the LORD. He wrote many of the wise sayings in the Book of Proverbs. He built the Temple for the LORD God. He wrote more than a thousand songs. The demise of King Solomon came in his old age. It was because of his many foreign wives that he allowed them to worship other gods. This angered the LORD God. We must avoid…

Solomon Completes the Temple to the LORD

The Temple of the LORD had been completed. The LORD God told King Solomon that He had heard his prayers and supplications; He had blessed the house, which King Solomon had built, and put His name there forever; and His eyes and heart shall be there perpetually. If they will walk before the LORD, as David had walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and will keep My statutes…

King Solomon Builds the Temple

King David was a soldier and his son, Solomon, was a builder. King David conquered and cleared the ground. Solomon filled the conquered and cleared land with beautiful buildings. Not only did Solomon build the Temple to the LORD GOD he built grand palaces, stables for his many horses and chariots he also built storehouses for all his wealth. The greatest remembrance was in building the Temple. You may be asking what Solomon’s Temple has to do with you. Our…
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