Tuesday Jan 28, 2025

What kind of a worker are you?

The church is a place where there can be found lots of workers. They all work for their own reasons. There are many jobs that must be done to prepare for the harvest. If you watch the workers in a church, or even in your family or any social gathering you will find there different types of workers. What kinds of a worker are you and how can you better aid those who are preparing for the harvest?

Starting a Bible Study in Your Home

Priscilla and Aquila a husband-and-wife team who worked together for the kingdom of the Lord to bring glory to Him. They did not get paid to teach Bible studies in their home they did it to for the Glory of the Lord. They are an inspiration for us to follow. They were dedicated believers and were dedicated to the teachings of Jesus. It can be said that they lived their faith.

Spirit of Divination

Sometimes we forget that the Bible is a living book that still holds the same cautions for our live as it did for the children of Israel. It is a reminder to us that someone who puts themselves in worldly positions it is a possibility to be exposed with one of the spirits of divination. These spirits of divination are an abomination to the LORD God and we are instructed to not follow after them and to avoid them.

Servant of The LORD

The word “Servant” means 1) one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister, to be a slave and 2) a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use.
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