Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Mount Hor

Mount Hor is the name of a peak in Idumaea and also of one in Syria. The highest of the whole range of Sandstone Mountains in Edom, on the eastern side of the valley of Arabah, is the mountain on which Aaron died. Mount Hor is also the mountain named as one of the marks of the northern boundary of the land which the children of Israel were about to conquer in Lebanon.

Coriander Spice

Coriander seed is mentioned twice in the Old Testament. This is because of its earthly similarity to the heaven bestowed manna. This herb is an annual and of the parsley family, common in Palestine and Syria. It has a tall stalk with small white flowers. The plant emits a disagreeable odor. The seeds are globular, light gray in color and their aromatic flavor is prized in seasoning and cooking. They also have medicinal properties.

Beans – Vegetables

The beans are large, coarse seeds. Sometimes the Israelites mixed these beans with other grain for bread. This recipe is for something that bible scholars refer to “Ezekiel’s bread,” which the prophet told the people to prepare during the seize of Jerusalem It is one of the few specific recipes found in the bible.

Phebe or Phoebe

Phoebe was a committed Christian, who had the trust of the Apostle Paul and the congregation of fellow believers in Cenchrea. Phoebe was an officer in her church, and commissioned to go on a mission to the Christians in Rome. She was faithful and dedicated to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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