Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Olive/Olive Oil

The Olive is an important food in Israel and a source of oil. Olives was one of the blessings of the Promised Land. Olive oil was used to burn in lamps. It was also used as a holy anointing oil and also to anoint kings and full of goodness. Olive tree and olives were used symbolically. It has been used as an emblem of peace and reconciliation and a symbol of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Milk /Dairy Products

Milk was used for food. Types of milk used were from camels, cows, and sheep. Goat milk was the most frequently used milk. Milk was served to the Lord by Abraham in the plains of Mamre. Milk was used to describe the Promised Land, “a land flowing with milk and honey.”Milk had dietary restriction on Israel. Milk was given as gifts. Milk is used symbolic and is associated with a person’s appearance that make them attractive and desirable. Milk stands…
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