Monday May 06, 2024

Raisins Fruit

Raisins were produced by soaking grapes in a mixture of oil and water and drying them in the sun. This preserves a fool supply that can last in the heat of the day and for long trips. Raisins was used as a peace offering. Raisins were also used to sustain life and for celebrations. They also had medicinal properties according to Pliny the Elder. 

Michal the Daughter of Saul

Michal was the youngest daughter of King Saul. She loved David. Michal was caught between a fierce struggle between the man she loved, David, and her father, king Saul. She was used by her father as a trap in hopes that David would be killed. David did not marry her out of love but to become the son in law of the king. Eventually that love of Michal turned to despising David.
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