Tuesday Jan 28, 2025

Brethren in Christ Church

The Brethren in Christ Church were basically called the Brethren, however, they also were referred to as the River Brethren because they lived along the Susquehanna River. They also were referred to as the Dunkers which originates from a German word meaning to dip. This refers to the practice of baptism in which they dip their finger three times representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Brethren in Christ Church members avoid worldly activities like playing cards, politics, outlandish dress, jewelry, or frills of any kind. They believe their simple dress in the communities help separate them and identify them as being called by God as His people. Their German heritage, German language, simple farm life, and their theological viewpoint set them apart from the worldly.

The Brethren in Christ Church Christian theology is based on the Pietism movement of the 17th century. The Brethren in Christ Church also mirrored the Anabaptist movement and the influence of the Wesleyan movement. They believe a genuine relationship with God that is enjoyed with the heart. The Wesleyan movement in America was also called the Holiness movement. It was a full awareness of the conscious acceptance of God.

The Brethren in Christ Church enjoy the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and grow daily in the Holiness of Christ and communicate an understanding of living fully in Christ Jesus.


The Brethren in Christ Church began in 1775 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, near the town of Marietta. It was influenced by the Anabaptist movement, Pietistic movement and Wesleyan movement. The Brethren in Christ Church was spread in America by the Moravians and the German Baptist.

The renewal of the believers experienced a heartfelt conversion. They practiced and believed they were in a brotherhood with Jesus Christ. They are set apart from other Brethren church because of their Confession of Faith.

The first worship meetings were held in the homes of members. The Brethren in Christ Church constructed their church buildings with simple surroundings. Their pews were encircled on three sides of the pulpit making the Word of God the center of focus. The Brethren in Christ Church immigrated to Canada, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and westward to California in the 1788.


The Brethren in Christ Church confess their faith in the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed. They believe in the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. The Brethren in Christ Church believes the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. They study it together; they build their lives on the Truth together, and together they worship and honor God.

They believe God reveals Himself in both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. The Bible is the authoritative Word of God. God has revealed Himself to humanity in order to provide salvation to all who react in faith and obedience. The message in the Bible is for the salvation for all people. It is the Holy Spirit who teaches in the church instructing the church how to interpret and how to apply Scripture through faith and study. It is the Holy Spirit who helps the believers to discern the truth of God and the will of God.

The Brethren in Christ Church believes male and female were created in the image of God. They have the freedom to obey or disobey God. Evil entered the human family with Adam and Eve who succumbed to the temptation of Satan. This sinful nature is passed down from generations to generations. Sin, moral depravity and death are inherent to the human experience. Humanity chooses to be disobedient and enter into sin and passed on to every person. Because sin dwells in all people they are unable to please God or escape from the power of sin. The penalty of sin is death that only a new relationship with God is promised to those who accept a life in Jesus Christ.

They believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and a distinct person the Trinity. Jesus Christ is totally equal and united with God and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is eternally existing and fully God. He created all things ad is the source and the sustainer of all life. They believe Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary. He was God incarnate, God in flesh, and lived on the earth as a full human man and had no sin. He physically and mentally grew, experiencing all the emotions as all humans feel. Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil yet remained sinless.

The Brethren in Christ Church believes Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah as was revealed in the Scriptures. This was made evident by His teachings, healing the sick, and casting out demons and the miracles that He performed. Jesus called those who followed Him into the church, the new covenant community based on the values of the kingdom of God. Jesus came to destroy the devil and to redeem the human family from sin.

The Brethren in Christ Church believes the redemption of Jesus Christ was accomplished in His death and resurrection. The purpose was to redeem all sinners from the guilt and the power of sin and to free believers from the rule of Satan. Jesus Christ provided complete atonement for sin by his suffering and sacrificial death. Jesus freely bled and died on the cross which provided the New Covenant. The resurrection of Jesus Christ tells of His deity and His victory over death, sin and Satan. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father and is the intercession for all believers.

The Brethren in Christ Church believes in the return of Christ in power and in glory. He may happen at any time. No man knows when He will return. The Brethren in Christ Church understand Scripture to teach the conflict between God and Satan, good and evil and this will increase the end of this age come near. When Christ returns the enemies of God will be conquered and the reign of God will be established forever. Believers shall live eternally in the presence of the Lord.

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MLA Style Citation:

Holstein, Joanne “Brethren in Christ Church:.” Becker Bible Studies Library Jan 2006.<https://guidedbiblestudies.com/?p=2607,>.

APA Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2006, January) “Brethren in Christ Church: .” Becker Bible Studies Library. Retrieved from https://guidedbiblestudies.com/?p=2607,.

Chicago Style Citation:
Holstein, Joanne (2006) “Brethren in Christ Church:.” Becker Bible Studies Library (January), https://guidedbiblestudies.com/?p=2607, (accessed).


Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. She is a graduate of Psychology/Christian and Bible Counseling with Liberty University. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults.
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